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01oct16h0019h00Soirée portes ouvertes - Spéciale Cursus PréparatoireDe 16h00 à 19h00 à l'AICP

16nov10h0017h00Salon StudyramaDe 10h à 17h au Paris Event Center

The clothing architect fashion school since 1830

The AICP (Académie Internationale de Coupe de Paris) specializes in the technical aspects of clothing and offers a wide range of technical apparel design programs to train future fashion professionals.

Our mission: to train the experts in the fashion techniques of tomorrow!

Our programs

The AICP proposes training modules including internships with immersive learning and on-the-job training; providing students with both theoretical and practical training in a professional milieu.


International Technical Apparel Designer

International Technical Apparel Designer - Menswear

Fashion and Technical Apparel Designer
